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Food forest design trajectory
  • Do you have a dream for a food forest?

  • Not sure where to start?

  • Do you need a clear master plan and/or detailed planting plan?

  • Need support in channeling your wishes and desires?

  • Are you looking for extra content and inspiration?

Within the Food Forest Design Traject we work systematically from a sketch to a master plan, planting plan and phasing plan .

With these plans in hand, you can create your food forest over a period of several years.


A Food Forest Design process takes place over several contact days, with time in between for reflection and observation.
Experience shows that spreading the design over time makes the final design stronger.

A food forest is a system that requires a close relationship with the manager of the system, so it is an added value to be strongly involved from the start.

I am happy to share all my experience and knowledge throughout the process.


Roughly speaking, the food forest design process looks like this:


  • Field observation, field inventory, site analysis and inventory of dreams, desires, goals.

  • Intentional moment (optional)

  • Determining the character of a food forest in terms of goals and dreams

  • Sketch phase

  • Master plan

  • Planting plan

  • Phasing plan towards construction

  • Advice on legislation


Wat mag dat kosten?

Voor een adviessessie vraag ik 

390 euro excl. BTW


food forest collaboration


  • Terreinbezoek (2.5 uur)

Tijdens het bezoek nemen we tijd om de plek te observeren, kunnen vragen aan bod komen en deel ik voluit men ervaring en kennis.​

  • 1 .5 uur advies

Ik neem achteraf de tijd om alles te verwerken.

Ik doe opzoekwerk en geeft je advies terug in de vorm van een videocall (die je kan opnemen) of geschreven verslag.​​


  • 40 km reistijd is inbegrepen


Soms is uitgebreider advies gewenst. We stemmen altijd af op jou vraag en nemen de tijd die nodig is in onderling overleg.


Edible landscape

Josse Horsten

Dieseghemlei 51, 2640 Mortsel

Be 0628.617.705

IBAN: BE68 9731 5165 9534

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